The McDonalds

Minnie, Doug, Mick and Doris

Summer 1925



The photos above contain the only images that we have of Uncle Mick. Gordon Shaver McDonald was is born January 1, 1920 n Fresno. Doris and Mick moved to Pasadina in 1921. Douglas McDonald was born in Los Angeles February 13, 1923.

Summer 1925





Mick worked as an Auto Accessories salesman. Doris and Mick were divorced in 1942. Doris married Donald Roy Cambel. In Micks defense,

I don’t think that he knew quite what he was getting into when he joined this tight nite family, I feel for him.

 Gordon was a wonderful, gregarious and light hearted man. I feel lucky to have been able to spend time with him in the high Sierras. My only complaint, he was the loudest snorer with whom I have ever shared a tent. He love the High Sierra  and spent his career in the Forest Service.

Doug was very different than his older brother. He was driven. He was 

going some where. He did. He had an amazing career. At the same time, he was warm and likeable. When Doug took over Pine Ridge in 60’s, it was no longer Pine Ridge, it was the Shaver Ranch and its was Dougs. Yet, the gate was always open. He was glad to see us and we were glad to see him. 

 The only public information on Dougs life is in his obituaries but they speak volumes. He was smart, generous,  good looking and I miss him.

March 5, 1990



Magnus Roland Wooley ( June 13, 1902- Jan 16, 1992) appears above in the 1956 Ranchos Visitadores. Magnus sponsored Doug for membership in RV. Magnus was also a dedicated supporter of Big Brothers of Los Angeles. In the 60’s Doug hired Magnus to join his team as a VP at Lincoln Savings and Loan. Magnus was a highly social, brilliant banker. His hire is a good example of Dougs outstanding ability to identify great people and create powerful, highly successful teams.

It is a tribute to the power of the Shaver legacy, it’s lasting inspiration, that so many members of our family bare Shaver as their middle name. The documents below are testimony in that regard. At birth Doug was named Stuart Wallace McDonald. After Doris and Micks divorce, in June of 1942, Doris and Doug legally changed his name to Douglas Shaver McDonald. 

It is notable that Harry delivered Doug and was witness to the name change. It is also interesting that Dougs original legal name reflects his McDonald heritage, proud Scottish Heritage. When you climb the trees you see it clearly. The Scotts and the English, the East Coast and the West, the power of family loyalties, the elopement. Mick had an uphill battle. as in so many cases, I wish that I could travel through time literally and sit down with these folks, virtual travel will have to do. Still a blessing, especially with all the new tools at hand. 

Mick brought many members of his family to Los Angeles including his father George.

City Directory of Pasadena:

McDonald Geo H (Frances E), gardener, h 51 Palmetto dr

Research up the McDonald tree reveals some interesting connections and some intriguing possibilities to follow: Deal Farm, Manaton, Devon, England home of John Pethybridge 20 Jan 1758 to October 1846

On a steep hill above Hayne Brook

Intriguing possible family connection:

British military officer John Denton Pinkstone French, known as Field Marshal Sir John French, Earl of Ypres, served as the commander in chief of the British Expeditionary Forces during World War I. While he made a significant contribution to modern warfare, criticisms of his command style and heavy British casualties under his leadership led to his resignation after approximately 18 months on the Western Front.

Or, a possible connection to the mythic King Lear?